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- Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.misc,rec.radio.info,sbay.hams
- From: marcbg@netcom.com (M Grant)
- Subject: 1/94 ARRL Directors Mtg Minutes (Long)
- Followup-To: rec.radio.amateur.misc
- Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services
- Date: Sat, 29 Jan 1994 00:49:05 GMT
- Approved: rec-radio-info@ve6mgs.ampr.ab.ca
- Lines: 407
- 1994 Annual Meeting,
- Board of Directors
- The American Radio Relay League
- January 21-22, 1994
- Summary Agenda
- 1. Roll Call
- 2. Moment of Silence
- 3. Consideration of the Agenda for the meeting
- 4. Approval of the Minutes of the 1993 Second Meeting
- 5. Reports by the Officers
- 6. Election of Officers
- 7. Election of the Executive Committee
- 8. Election of ARRL Foundation Directors
- 9. Receive reports and consider recommendations of the
- committees
- 10. Report of the Host Director, 1994 ARRL National Convention
- 11. Appointment of Committees
- 12. Directors' motions
- 13. Authorizations for certain administrative expenses
- 1. Pursuant to due notice, the Board of Directors of the
- American Radio Relay League, Inc., met in annual session at the
- Hartford Marriott Hotel, Rocky Hill, CT on Friday, January 21,
- 1994. The meeting was called to order at 8:30 AM EST with
- President George S. Wilson III, W4OYI, in the Chair and the
- following directors present:
- * Kay C. Craigie, WT3P, Atlantic Division
- Edmond A. Metzger, W9PRN, Central Division
- Tod Olson, K0TO, Dakota Division
- Joel M. Harrison, WB5IGF, Delta Division
- Allan L. Severson, AB8P, Great Lakes Division
- Stephen A. Mendelsohn, WA2DHF, Hudson Division
- Lew Gordon, K4VX, Midwest Division
- William Burden, WB1BRE, New England Division
- Mary Lewis, W7QGP, Northwestern Division
- Brad Wyatt, K6WR, Pacific Division
- John C. Kanode, N4MM, Roanoke Division
- Marshall Quiat, AG0X, Rocky Mountain Division
- Frank M. Butler, W4RH, Southeastern Division
- Fried Heyn, WA6WZO, Southwestern Division
- Tom Comstock, N5TC, West Gulf Division
- *Vice Director, in the seat for Hugh A. Turnbull, W3ABC,
- Director.
- Also present as members of the Board without vote were
- Rodney J. Stafford, KB6ZV, First Vice President; Jay A. Holladay,
- W6EJJ, Vice President; Tom Frenaye, K1KI, Vice President; Larry
- E. Price, W4RA, International Affairs Vice President; Treasurer
- James McCobb, Jr., K1LLU; and David Sumner, K1ZZ, Executive Vice
- President. Chief Financial Officer Barry J. Shelley was present
- in his capacity as an officer of the corporation.
- Also in attendance at the invitation of the Board as
- observers were the following Vice Directors: Howard Huntington,
- K9KM, Central Division; Hans Brakob, K0HB, Dakota Division; Rick
- Roderick, K5UR, Delta Division; George E. Race, WB8BGY, Great
- Lakes Division; Paul Vydareny, WB2VUK, Hudson Division; Bruce
- Frahm, K0BJ, Midwest Division; Warren Rothberg, WB1HBB, New
- England Division; Mary Lou Brown, NM7N, Northwestern Division;
- Jim Maxwell, W6CF, Pacific Division; C. Dennis Bodson, W4PWF,
- Roanoke Division; Bob Scupp, WB5YYX, Rocky Mountain Division;
- Evelyn Gauzens, W4WYR, Southeastern Division; and Art Goddard
- W6XD, Southwestern Division. There were also present General
- Counsel Christopher D. Imlay, N3AKD; Past Director Howard Mark,
- W0OZC; Publications Manager Mark J. Wilson, AA2Z; Membership
- Services Manager Charles L. Hutchinson, K8CH; Field Services
- Manager Richard K. Palm, K1CE; Technical Relations Manager Paul
- Rinaldo, W4RI; Public Information Manager Steve Mansfield, N1MZA;
- and Perry Williams, W1UED, Washington Area Coordinator.
- 2. The assembly observed a moment of silence in recollection of
- Radio Amateurs who have passed away since the previous Board
- meeting, especially John A. Anastas, KJ4EK, Vern Chambers, W1JEQ,
- Creed Chorpening, W4TZ, Lloyd Colvin, W6KG, Bill Harvey, WA6RXI,
- Irv Emig, W6GC, Clifford L. Kitts, KD4TZ, Glenn Koropp, W6YFW,
- Ted Heithecker, W5EJ, Donald Johnson, W6QIE, Sidney T. Kitrell,
- W0LYM, Tom McMullen, W1SL, Art Milne, G2MI, Jane W. Rhodes,
- N4PNL, and Jack Ryder, K4IHX.
- 3. The Chair introduced Past Vice President and Dakota Director
- Tod Olson, K0TO, returning to the Board after an absence; Mr.
- Olson introduced his new Vice Director, Hans Brakob, K0HB. The
- Chair introduced new Midwest Director Lew Gordon, K4VX; Mr.
- Gordon introduced his new Vice Direcor Bruce Frahm, K0BJ. The
- Chair introduced Pacific Director Brad Wyatt, K6WR, moving up
- from the Vice Director seat; Mr. Wyatt introduced his new Vice
- Director, Jim Maxwell, W6CF. Apologies for absence were offered
- for Atlantic Director Hugh Turnbull, W3ABC and West Gulf
- Division Vice Director Sam Sitton, KV5X, for each because of
- illness in the family.
- 4. On motion of Mr. Mendelsohn, seconded by Mr. Kanode, the
- agenda was ADOPTED as presented.
- 5. On motion of Mr. Harrison, seconded by Mr. Butler, the
- minutes of the 1993 Second Meeting were ADOPTED as presented.
- 6. At this point the Officers presented their annual reports and
- commented briefly on their recent activities. President Wilson's
- comprehensive report covered, inter alia, ARRL readiness for
- electronic filing of license data as soon as the FCC is ready;
- the League's aid to AMSAT for Phase 3D fundraising; the amateur-
- radio enforcement activities of FCC in 1993, usually with
- assistance of the Amateur Auxiliary; the negotiated amendment of
- FCC Rule 97.113, putting common sense into communications for
- public events; another rules-change bringing Novice exams into
- the VE system (without charge so far as the ARRL-VEC is
- concerned); FCC preemption of local ordinances inhibiting ham use
- of transceivers that could incidentally receive public service
- frequencies; much effort, behind the scenes and publicly, to
- restore club station licensing and provide for choice of call
- signs by amateurs; ARRL opposition to a "Quiet Zone" for all of
- Puerto Rico; the League's proposal for additional callsign blocks
- in Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Alaska; continued efforts to reach
- compromise rulemaking for autoforwarding of digital messages on
- HF; the rulemaking docket clarifying responsibility for automatic
- transmission of data messages as "Originator and First
- Forwarder"; efforts to assure that Government plans for wind
- profilers at 449 MHz would accommodate continued amateur use of
- the band; ARRL defense of the 902-928 MHz band as against an FCC
- rulemaking to expand the "Automatic Vehicle Monitoring" service
- there; the current rulemaking to provide amateurs with a
- secondary allocation from 219-220 MHz under certain restrictions;
- the FCC idea of "instant licenses" with self-assigned call signs
- for first-time licensees and ARRL's counter proposal that
- electronic filing is better; and finally, ARRL's legislative
- success in staving off administrative fees for amateurs,
- providing the basis for vanity call signs, adding protective
- phrases to the frequency give-back and auction bills and
- introduction of S.J.Res.90, H.J.Res.199 and H.R.2623.
- 7. In his report, First Vice President Stafford focused strongly
- on the growth of the Amateur Radio Service, particularly in
- Technician Class licensees, and the need for ARRL activities to
- attract this group. Mr. Stafford also reported on his service on
- the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC), of which he is
- chairman, the Industry Advisory Council and the Administration
- and Finance Committee; and his attendance at the Region 1
- Conference of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) in
- Belgium. Vice President Holladay covered his work with the LRPC
- effort including his support for the concept of a retreat where
- the League leadership can consider the issues raised by the LRPC;
- as a member of the Volunteer Resources Committee (VRC); his
- interest in local antenna cases, focused on obtaining a more
- reasonable set of regulations from the County of Los Angeles; and
- as Board liaison to the Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX)
- Working Group. The tenth year of Amateur Radio operation from
- the Space Shuttle was highlighted by four SAREX missions and a
- great deal of favorable publicity for Amateur Radio. Next, Vice
- President Frenaye marked his membership on the Membership
- Services and Computer Committees, the ARRL Foundation Board, and
- the LRPC, especially focussing on the latter group's studies of
- delivering services to both HF and VHF communities. He remarked
- on the generosity of the League over the years in providing
- services to members and non-members alike; it may be time for
- review of our services to define which should continue open and
- which should be restricted to members. International Affairs
- Vice President Price summarized his travel as IARU Secretary to
- the International Red Cross, Geneva; IARU Region 2 Executive
- Committee meeting, Guayaquil, and government offices in Quito,
- both Ecuador; IARU Region 1 meeting, DeHaan and IARU
- Administrative Council meeting, Brussels, both Belgium; and the
- Radiocommunication Assembly of the International
- Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the ITU's first World
- Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-93) replacing the old WARCs,
- both Geneva. Travel under ARRL's banner included the last
- meeting of the Canadian Radio Relay League and the first of the
- Radio Amateurs of/du Canada in Toronto; and hamfests/conventions
- at Friedrichshafen, Germany, Miami, Orlando, Little Rock, Dayton,
- Manchester NH, and Memphis, and the ARRL National Convention in
- Huntsville, AL. He also participated in meetings of the Ad Hoc
- Committee on ARRL National Conventions, the Executive Committee,
- and the LRPC. Treasurer McCobb's report analyzed the performance
- of the League's investment portfolio and the market in general.
- The $8.5 million (market value, $9.1 million, an excess of 7%
- over book value) portfolio is invested 39% in stocks, 61% in
- bonds, yielding annualized dividends and interest of $509,500 in
- the aggregate. Sales from the portfolio were limited, and
- brought in a realized net gain of $72,000. In the marketplace as
- a whole, bond rates fell during the year, and remain low but
- somewhat volatile. The stock market rose during 1993, with the
- Dow Jones Industrial index at 3754, up 453 points or 14% over the
- end of 1992.
- 8. Executive Vice President Sumner's report opened with a
- nutshell characterization of the year: relative calm, moderate
- membership growth, modest success in new ventures, and a
- gradually emerging picture of what Amateur Radio will be like
- around the turn of the century and what kind of ARRL will be
- needed to serve it. An important tool in that process is the
- Readex survey of 1992. The staff Survey Task Force focused
- sharply on two areas: studies of ten potential projects aimed at
- recruiting and retaining members especially from the ranks of new
- hams, and response to two trends having significant implications
- for the ARRL -- (1) a growing majority of radio amateurs whose
- interest in Amateur Radio is locally focused, and (2) a growing
- diversity of interest groups, each competing for scarce resources
- from the ARRL. The LRPC has recommended that the Board hold a
- planning retreat later this spring to discuss such issues without
- the harness of a business-driven agenda. Turning to Washington
- Office activities, Paul Rinaldo chaired a meeting of an ITU Task
- Group in Geneva, on wind profiler radars; Director Butler also
- attended the meeting, on behalf of the IARU. The Geneva meeting
- produced a report to WRC-97, the World Radiocommunication
- Conference at which wind profiler radar allocations will be
- considered. Rinaldo also chaired monthly US preparatory
- meetings, primarily of government agencies having an interest in
- wind profiler radars, and other monthly meetings with the
- National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
- on coordination of wind profiler radar sites with the ARRL to
- avoid interference problems with repeaters at 448-450 MHz.
- Rinaldo also participated in US preparatory meetings for the ITU
- Voluntary Group of Experts charged with simplifying the Radio
- Regulations. International meetings of the VGE in Geneva are
- covered by Wojciech Nietyksza, SP5FM, on behalf of IARU. The
- final VGE meeting will be held in late February/early March 1994.
- Thus far, we have been able to head off any recommendations that
- could adversely affect the amateur services. International
- Affairs Vice President Price and Rinaldo attended WRC-93 as
- members of the IARU and US delegations respectively. The sole
- purpose of this WRC was to set the agendas for WRCs 95 and 97.
- Rinaldo and two IARU Region 2 officials also attended meetings of
- the Interamerican Telecommunication Council (CITEL), the regional
- telecommunications organization for Region 2. The CITEL
- approved a resolution concerning the creation of an International
- Amateur Radio Permit (IARP). The next step is to design a permit
- and necessary procedures, and to present it at the next CITEL
- committee meeting in 1994. Meanwhile, some progress, albeit
- slow, is being made toward the US becoming a signatory to the
- common license agreement adopted by the European Conference of
- Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) which would
- permit US amateurs to operate in CEPT countries (and vice versa)
- without the need for issuance of a temporary license. Turning
- now to US matteclosed. Whereupon, the Chair declared Mr. Sumner elected as
- Secretary. (Applause)
- 20. The Chair opened nominations for the office of Treasurer.
- Mr. Severson nominated Mr. McCobb. On motion of Mr. Quiat,
- seconded by Mr. Harrison, it was VOTED that nominations are
- closed. Whereupon, the Chair declared Mr. McCobb elected as
- Treasurer. (Applause)
- 21. The Chair opened nominations for the office of Executive
- Vice President. Mr. Butler nominated Mr. Sumner. On motion of
- Mr.Harrison, seconded by Mr. Severson, it was VOTED that
- nominations are closed. Whereupon, the Chair declared Mr. Sumner
- elected as Executive Vice President. (Applause)
- 22. The Chair opened nominations for the office of Chief
- Financial Officer. Mr. Severson nominated Mr. Shelley. On
- motion of Mr. Kanode, seconded by Mr. Metzger, it was VOTED that
- nominations are closed. Whereupon, the Chair declared Mr.
- Shelley elected as Cheif Financial Officer. (Applause)
- 23. The Chair opened nominations for Director members of the
- Executive Committee for one-year terms. Mr. Kanode nominated Mr.
- Severson. Mr. Quiat nominated Mr. Butler. Mr. Butler nominated
- Mr. Quiat. Mr. Harrison nominated Mr. Mendelsohn. Mr.
- Mendelsohn nominated Mr. Harrison. On motion of Mr. Olson,
- seconded by Mr. Burden, it was VOTED that nominations are closed.
- The Tellers found that Messrs. Harrison, Mendelsohn. and Quiat
- were elected on the first ballot, and Mr. Severson on the second
- ballot. (Applause)
- 24. The Chair opened nominations for Directors of the ARRL
- Foundation. Mr. Metzger nominated the slate of Mr. Frenaye,
- Roger W. Franke, K9AYK and Mr. Comstock for three year terms, and
- Mr. Quiat for a two year term. On motion of Mr. Mendelsohn,
- seconded by Mrs. Lewis, it was VOTED that nominations are closed.
- Whereupon, the Chair declared Messrs. Frenaye, Franke, Comstock
- and Quiat elected as Directors of the ARRL Foundation.
- (Applause.) During the course of the above elections, Mr. McCobb
- left the meeting because of a business commitment.
- 25. Mr. Severson, as Chairman, presented the report of the
- Administration and Finance Committee. The Committee held three
- meetings since the Second Meeting of the Board in July as
- detailed in Minutes which have been distributed. Much time was
- devoted to the report of the Computer Committee on information
- services at HQ, and to the 1994-1995 plan which will be presented
- to the Board for adoption later in the meeting. On his motion,
- seconded by Mr. Burden, it was VOTED that the 1993 budget for the
- Midwest Division be amended to $8,888; an increase of $1,888. On
- his further motion, seconded by Mr. Comstock, it was VOTED that
- the 1993 budget for the Delta Division be amended to $13,053; an
- increase of $3,553.
- 26. Mr. Kanode, as Chairman, presented the report of the
- Membership Services Committee. This Committee also had three
- meetings since the July Board meeting. Mr. Kanode called
- attention to three items. The success of the new Official Family
- Operating Event will depend on the "Official Family" and the
- Field Organization getting on the air to operate in the event,
- and on QSLing with the Official Family cards. A new DXCC fee
- schedule appeared in the December issue of QST. Further
- expansion of the DXCC Field Checking program should wait until
- the new DXCC computer system is in place. Similarly, additional
- forms of DXCC should also wait until the computer upgrades are on
- line.
- 27. Mr. Butler, as vice chairman, presented the report of the
- Volunteer Resources Committee. VRC held two meetings in the
- period, and Minutes have been issued. Chairman McConnell
- highlighted several items in the report. National Exam Day for
- 1993 was regarded as a success, and the Committee recommended a
- continuation. Accordingly, two such days have been scheduled for
- 1994, in May and October. The task of recruiting additional
- volunteer examiners for Alaska continues. Terms of reference for
- the ARRL education awards have been revised with three awards for
- 1994: the Herb S. Brier Instructor of the Year, the ARRL
- Professional Instructor of the Year, and the ARRL Professional
- Educator of the Year. A list of materials available to members
- has been compileommended.
- Because the plan for this band is use for inter-city links which can be
- assembled into a nationwide high-speed digital network, allocation of
- channels to point-to-point pairs running less than 56 Kilobits duplex
- should be discouraged. No matter what the bandwidth of the transmissions
- coordinated into a channel, they should be centered in the channel. The long
- term objective for digital transmission on these channels is 100 KHz
- bandwidth. Local Coordinating Bodies should seek to avoid decisions which
- will limit the nationwide network.
- 35. Mr. Mendelsohn, as Chairman, presented the interim report of the Ad Hoc
- Committee on Vanity Call Signs, formed in response to the FCC Notice of
- Proposed Rulemaking in PR Docket 93-305. The Committee's charge is to
- recommend a position on vanity call signs to the Board of Directors by mid-
- February. As much membership input as possible is to be sought. Based on
- input so far, the Committee suggests the vanity call sign system should be
- phased in with a series of four three-month windows before opening the
- system to all. Previously held call signs regardless of license class,
- format or call district should be available first. The second, third and
- fourth windows would be by license class to Extra Class, then Advanced, and
- then General. At the end of one year, any licensed amateur would be
- eligible for any call within his call area and license class blocks, or a
- lower class block. The fee should be a one-time occurrence, and should be
- refunded if none of the call signs on the application are available. Calls
- should be held for two years after expiration or trade-in, and should not
- be transferable; these measures should help preclude "trafficking" in call
- signs. If necessary, an in-person meeting of committee members will take
- place February 12 in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
- 36. At this point, 2:45 PM, Mr. Wilson returned to the Chair. Mr.
- Price, as
- Liaison, reported for the Biological Effects Committee; no formal report
- had been received from the chairman. The Board was in recess from 3:18 to
- 3:44 PM; Mr. Scupp took the seat for Mr. Quiat.
- 37. On motion of Mr. Severson, seconded by Mr. Burden, it was VOTED that
- the 1994-1995 Plan and Budget is adopted as presented to the Board by the
- Administration and Finance Committee.
- 38. Mr. Scupp, as Liaison, presented the report of the Public Relations
- Committee. Highlights: Tech Image replaced Selz Seabolt as the ARRL's PR
- firm, though many of the personnel involved are the same. ARRL's publicity
- efforts scored more than 100 major media hits and more than 25 major
- market television placements including an NBC story on SAREX and "Santa
- Ham" on CNN. The Associated Press picked up five stories, USA Today picked
- up two, and there were placements in at least 25 major metropolitan
- dailies. ARRL produced and began duplication of two public service
- announcements as reported by the Executive Vice President. With Steve
- Mansfield taking over the legislative function there will be a need for an
- additional PR person at HQ, to work under Steve's supervision. On motion of
- Mr. Severson, seconded by Mr. Scupp, it was VOTED that the Public Relations
- Committee Report is accepted. At this point, 3:49 PM, Mr. Quiat returned to
- his seat.
- 39. Mr. Stafford, as Chairman, presented the extensive report of the Long
- Range Planning Committee. The report summarized previous recommendations
- of the LRPC and actions taken by the ARRL as a result. The report set
- forth the assumptions made by the Committee, covered demographics,
- summarized interests of amateurs within the avocation, noted technologies
- which are emerging, touched on international and spectrum issues,
- predicted "The Regulatory Scene in the Year 2000" and closed with a vision
- of Amateur Radio and a summary of ARRL objectives. The LRPC recommends
- that a planning retreat be scheduled for the Board in the spring of 1994 to
- mull over these issues, without having to meetLeague, in Annual Meeting
- assembled, on this day, January 22, 1994, that the
- Board does hereby express its deepest appreciation and gratitude to Perry
- F. Williams, W1UED, for his many contributions to Amateur Radio and the
- League; and
- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board extends its warmest personal
- wishes for a long, enjoyable, and productive retirement. (Applause and
- standing ovation)
- 76. On motion of Mr. Mendelsohn, again seconded by the entire group, it was
- unanimously VOTED that the Board assembled in Annual Meeting at Rocky
- Hill, Connecticut on this 22nd day of January, 1994, thanks Lisa DeLude,
- Perry Williams, Rick Palm, Chuck Hutchinson, Steve Mansfield and Mark Wilson
- for their key support in making this Board Meeting a great success.
- (Applause).
- 77. At this point, an opportunity was given for every member of the
- assembly to offer comments. There being no further business, the Board
- adjourned sine die at 12:45 PM. (Time in session as a Board 9 hours and 28
- minutes: as a Committee of the Whole: 1 hour and 6 minutes; total direct
- authorizations: $293,441.)
- --
- Marc B. Grant fax 214-231-3998
- marcbg@netcom.com Amateur Radio N5MEI
- marcbg@esy.com Richardson, TX
- --